Arrival and Departure will be from Whitehorse Yukon with daily flights from Vancouver, Calgary and Edmonton and Europe. Plan on landing in Whitehorse the day before you are expected in camp, this gives you extra time incase of lost luggage or delayed flights. You will need to book a rental car ...( or Shuttle service running Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.1 (867) 689- 0540 if your willing to line up the dates with your hunt. this might entail spending another day in a hotel in Whithorse or Watson Lake ) the drive south 4 1/2hrs to our main camp "Upper Liard" located about 10 minutes from Wataon Lake.
Once you have booked your flights and signed contracts please forward a copy to us via email: ( )
Once you arrive at our main camp, The Staff will get you setup in your room and help prepare for your hunt, plan on chartering into your hunting camp the following day. ( Specific Dates will be on hunt contracts and expected to be followed as space if limited and scheduled well in advance for the hunt changes) Weather is a the main consideration when flying in for hunts, so please be aware of delays or backed up flying as its part of the north.
We try and use our time the best we can but please be patient with all the things we need to do on these change over days.
You will receive your hunting licenses and tags and some custom cape and horn tags- make sure you keep these with you at all times and don’t loose them.
If Harvest fees are required you will need to pay these BEFORE you go out to camp. NO PERSONAL CHECKS ARE ACCEPTED UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES (Certified Bank, or Cash only) In the past we have had issue with this and trusting some (what we thought) were solid guys. Sorry for the inconvenience. These fees will be kept in a safe place and returned at the completion of the hunt if that species is not taken.